Latest Innovation News
London’s Burning
This week marks the arrival of the London Burning’s festival. Set to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London, the festival will run between the 30th and 4th of September. Commissioned by the Artichoke Festival in order to explore the ways in which the Great Fire of London impacted the city and […]
Could Biogen’s new drug be the key to stopping Alzheimers early?
The U.S drug company, Biogen, have stated that a trial drug has removed plaques from the brains of patients in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The small study of 165 people was designed to test the drug on humans and not its effects on the brain, yet the the results have shown that patients […]
Scottish export market to be boosted by sustainable salmon feed innovations
The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre announced its sponsorship of two new projects designed to improve salmon feed formulas at a member event attended by industry, academia and the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Connectivity. The Centre’s target innovation field of feed quality and nutrition were identified as priorities due to the industry’s need. To […]
Record Number of Foreign Investment In The UK May Not Last
The department for international trade has found that a record number of investments were made by foreign firms in the UK in the year 2016. Inward investments were up 11% on the previous year with 2,213 in total recorded. According to the data, the UK is the most popular destination in the European Union for […]
NMC Expands Healthcare System
NMC health, one of the largest healthcare providers in the private sector in the UAE has announced a strategic expansion within its home-care and long-term vertical. The company, which has a network of hospitals and clinics across the United Arab Emirates, as well as a fertility centre in Barcelona, has acquired a 70pc stake in […]
New 4G World Record Set For Mobile Speed That Isn’t So Mobile
A new world record has been set for the world’s fastest 4G mobile internet speed. According to Finnish firm Elisa, it has achieved a 1.9 gigabyte per second speed using Huawei technology. Currently, the United Kingdom and Sweden hold the title when it comes to the fastest 3G and 4G mobile speeds but it seems […]
Innovation Lab in Singapore Opened by Ramco Systems
Ramco Systems, a leader in innovation regarding software solutions, has partnered with Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance to open an engineering lab in Singapore. The laboratory is going to be used to advance innovations in the regarding intellectual property in particular, as well as developing work wear for ground engineers and creating and developing […]
Innovation Benefits For China’s Academic Bodies
With China currently facing a bit of an economic slump relative to the growth it had previously enjoyed, it is offering increased financial incentives for academics and small research bodies to help increase innovation in science and convert them into products with financial fruition. In a move which favors universities and research bodies, China’s State Council has […]
Omnicell Releases New Medication Automation Cabinet System
Luke Cloherty, Editor An 18-month trial in Northumbria, England has found that significant cost-savings and efficiencies can be made by installing a medication automation cabinet system provided by automated healthcare solutions provider, Omnicell Ltd. In the wake of the Lord Carter review, which highlights the urgent need for efficiencies and standardised savings across the […]
RES Software Release RES ONE Workspace
Luke Cloherty, Editor Software company RES today announced its latest release of RES ONE Workspace to “deliver a better, more personal technology experience across a wider range of devices and operating systems”. RES ONE Workspace Service Release 1 extends enhanced workspace app security across Windows, Mac and Linux environments, and supports Windows 10. The new […]