Latest Industrial Innovation News

Horsham Novartis Site to be Replaced with Science Park and Homes
Luke Cloherty, Editor West Sussex County Council has announced that a site left vacant by Swiss-based pharmaceutical giant Novartis is to become a science and business park, financed by a major housing development within the plot. Novartis closed its research plant last in 2015, causing a total loss of over 300 jobs. The council said it has […]

Ford and Bosch Make Huge Autonomous Driving Announcements at CES 2016
Luke Cloherty, Editor Motoring giant Ford is to triple the number of autonomous test vehicles in its fleet to 30 and will launch a smaller Velodyne Lidar (laser radar), it announced at a series of press conferences at CES 2016. Lidar devices are large, often roof mounted aids for autonomous cars to help them scan the road […]

‘Housing Innovation Awards 2016’ Shortlist Released
Luke Cloherty, Editor UK real estate and housebuilding innovation event the ‘Housing Innovation Awards’ has released it 2016 shortlist. Award categories include such diverse ranges as “Most Innovative Affordable Housing Scheme”, “Most Innovative Consultant” and “Most innovative IT System/App” and the companies shortlisted for nomination include giants such as Wates Living Space, Willmott Dixon and Osborne property […]

UK Rail Tickets Could Go Contactless as Early as this Year
Luke Cloherty, Editor UK rail travel is set to undergo a major ticketing change in 2016 as rail operators will announce a plan to introduce a new contactless card, much like Transport for London’s Oyster card, that could eventually replace the paper tickets currently in use. The Telegraph originally found out about the directive, which was then […]